Yoga with Thea & Steve

Thea Satrom
Thea is an C-IAYT yoga therapist and certified Level 1 Iyengar Yoga teacher. She continues her studies with Lois Steinberg in Urbana, IL and is passionate about women’s health.

Steve Hornbacher
Steve has been practicing Iyengar Yoga since 1997 and teaching since 2002. He holds an Level 2 certification, studying primarily with Kristin Chirhart at the B.K.S. Iyengar Yoga Center of Minneapolis.
Many in this country think of yoga only as the various postures portrayed in media and pop culture, or as an exercise to build flexibility. Classical yoga springs from a rich philosophical tradition dating back to early Indian history. The practice of yoga connects the physical body, the mind, and the breath in a way that can create profound transformation and healing.
Steve and Thea are both certified Iyengar Yoga teachers and adhere to the guidelines specified by the Iyengars. Certified Iyengar Yoga teachers are encouraged to travel as often as possible to study at the Ramamani Iyengar Memorial Yoga Institute in Pune, India. There one can receive instruction directly from the Iyengar family, or from those trained by the Iyengars. Steve first traveled to India in 2004 for the celebration of Geeta Iyengar's 60th birthday. He returned for a full month of study in 2006 & 2015. Most recently, Thea and Steve traveled together to India in 2017.
In addition to his studies in India, Steve has attended ongoing teacher training sessions with Kristin Chirhart and Lee Sverkerson since 2004. Kristin and Lee are long-time, dedicated students of the Iyengars who have been traveling to India annually for over 30 years. Kristin holds and Advanced Jr. I teaching certificate, which was personally granted by B.K.S. Iyengar; only a handful of teachers in the U.S. hold a similar or higher level of certification.
Thea has participated in teacher training and continuing education classes since 2013 with Lois Steinberg, including courses on yoga for menstruation and pregnancy. Lois is a senior-level Iyengar Yoga teacher and the author of numerous books on yoga therapeutics (Neck & Shoulder, Knees, Low Back, Women's Yoga Practice).